Willow - Reception
Welcome to Willow Class. 
Our class teacher is Mrs Jones, who is supported by Mrs Reed and Mrs Lawler.
Main Topics and Trips for 2024/2025
This year, Willow Class will learn about Ourselves, Celebrations & Festivals, Transport, Traditional Tales, Growing & Habitats. You will find more information about how each topic is covered in our curriculum maps, which are at the bottom of this page.
During the school year we will have a host of visitors who will enhance our learning of each topic. We will go to the theatre in December to see a pantomime, visit a working farm to support our growing topic and take a walk to the local bookshop for a story time session during traditional tales.
Physical Education (PE)
Our PE day is every Thursday and Friday.
Your child needs to come into school wearing their PE kit, which consists of a plain t-shirt in their team colour, black joggers/shorts and a plain jumper. Trainers are also allowed. Your child will stay in their PE kit for the whole day.
Homework will be set every Friday in their Homework books, with optional tasks set on Mathletics and the opportunity to explore Numbots, ReadingEggs and BugClub. Please return the homework on the following Friday, so it can be checked.
Reading and Reading Records
We expect your child to read every day. Your child's reading record must be brought to school every Tuesday and Friday to be checked. Please can you sign your child's record every time they read. Reading is such an important part of your child's development, so please prioritise this task.
Our Class Rewards
We have many rewards in Willow Class, which consists of:
Class dojo points throughout the day for good behaviour, stickers which will go on their sticker charts - once they have filled these they will be able to pick a prize from the prize box. Every Friday we will have a Tree of Success assembly where we will celebrate our achievements with certificates and prizes. If we are seen to be walking around the school sensibly, we will be given a golden globe by the other staff members. Once our golden globe jar is full, we will get a special treat.
Texts/Books for the Year
Autumn 1 - Ourselves
We Are All Different
All About Families
My Mum
My Dad
Brown Bear
Funny Bones
Just Like Grandpa Jazz
Autumn 2 - Celebrations & Festivals
Binny's Diwali
Where the Poppy's Now Grow
The Scarecrow's Wedding
Ning and the night spirits
The Jolly Christmas Postman/
T'was the Night Before Christmas
Spring 1 - Transport
The Night Pirates
Mrs Armitage on Wheels
The Train Ride
Little People, Big Dreams: Amelia Earhart
Spring 2 - Habitats
The Gruffalo
Bring the Rain to Kapiti Plain
Commotion in the Ocean
Be Brave, Little Penguin
Monkey Puzzle
Summer 1 - Growing
Tadpole's Promise
What the Ladybird Heard
I Will Not Never Ever Eat a Tomato
Summer 2 - Traditional Tales
Little Red
The Three Little Pigs
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Gingerbread Man
Jack and the Beanstalk