Weekly Bulletin
Week beginning 22/5/17
This week is Science week. Year 6 will be leading Science week by demonstrating several diffierent experiments around the theme of explosions.
Week beginning 15/5/17
This week we will continue to prepare for Science week by creating and carrying out various experiments around the theme of explosions. In literacy we will be looking at our new text for this term, 'The London Eye Mystery'. In topic we will be looking at forces and rollercoasters around the world.
Week beginning 8/5/17
This week is SATs week. Good luck to all the children. They have all worked extremely hard all year and we are very proud of their efforts.
Week beginning 27/2/17
This week the children have been working hard during our mock SATs week. It is also book week and we are studying a poem called, 'The Door'. Don't forget to dress up as your favourite book character on Friday for our trip to the library.