Fig - Year 4
Welcome to Fig Class. 
Our class teacher is Mrs Rautenbach. She will be supported by Ms Davis and Ms Croucher.
Main Topics and Trips for 2024/2025
This year, Fig Class will learn about the Vikings, Food and Digestion, the Rainforest, different religions, and much more. You will find more information about how each topic is covered in our curriculum maps, which are at the bottom of this page.
Our trips and visitors for the year will include the Horniman Museum, a workshop run by the Museum of London, a visit to a chocolate factory, a local area walk, an overnight stay in school, and many more.
Our weekly timetable can be found at the bottom of the page, however it may change due to special events or changes in the calendar.
Physical Education (PE)
Our PE days are every Monday and Thursday.
Your child needs to come into school wearing their PE kit, which consists of a plain t-shirt (white or house colours), plain joggers/shorts and a plain jumper. Trainers are also allowed. Your child will stay in their PE kit for the whole day.
Homework will be set every Friday, and will consist of at least 2 Mathletics tasks, a set of spelling words (written and on Spelling Shed) and a writing task. Please return the homework on Thursday so that it can be checked.
Reading and Reading Records
We expect your child to read every day. Your child's reading book and record must be brought in every day to be checked by an adult. Reading is such an important part of your child's development so please prioritise this task.
Our Class Rewards
We have many rewards in Fig Class, which consists of stickers, stamps, prizes, golden time, Class Dojo points throughout the week, Golden Globes, extra play and certificates every Friday.
Texts/Books for the Year
Autumn Term
Remembrance Poetry
Viking Voyagers
Winter's Child
Spring Term
Until I Met Dudley
Odd and the Frost Giants
Jabberwocky - Poetry
Summer Term
The Selfish Giant
The Iron Man
The Matchbox Diary
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory