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School Life

Weekly News

Week 14 Home Learning 

This is our last week of term. Thank you for a wonderful year and well done on the excellent home learning! We are so proud of all of you and we wish you a fantastic summer holiday! 


Monday: Write some sentences for your new teacher to tell them all about yourself.

Tuesday: Sports day activities. Set up an obstacle course outside. 

Wednesday: Complete the summer I spy sheet with addition problems. 

Thursday: Write a letter to the new Reception children to tell them about school.

Friday: Last day of term activities. 

Week 13 Home Learning 

This week's story is Peter Rabbit


Monday: Listen to the story and create a story map. 

Tuesday: Use your story map to re-write the story. 

Wednesday: Make number cards to 20 and beyond, put them in order.

Thursday: Watch the vegetable song and create a leaflet on your favourite vegetable.

Friday: Create a piece of artwork on Mr McGreggor's garden.

Week 12 Home Learning 

This week's story is Supertato


Monday: Listen to the story and design your own superhero.

Tuesday: Learn the fruit and vegetables dance -

Wednesday: Complete the 100 square by filling in the missing numbers.

Thursday: Talk through the powerpoint and design your own healthy lunchbox.

Friday: Complete the superhero subtraction sheet. 

Week 11 Home Learning 

This week's story is Dear Zoo.


Monday: Listen to the story and create your own story map but with different animals. 

Tuesday: Use your story map to write out the story of Dear Zoo with your own animals. 

Wednesday: Watch the video and practise counting in 2's by linking up objects in rows of twos.

Thursday: Watch the videos on the animals and choose an animal to make an information poster about. 





Friday: Make a piece of artwork on your favourite animal.

Week 10 Home Learning 

This week's story is The Snail and the Whale.


Monday: Listen to the story and look for rhyming words. Make cards with the rhyming words and match them together. 

Tuesday: Use your playdough to make a snail and a whale.

Wednesday: Complete the under the sea pattern sheets, following the patterns. 

Thursday: Look through the powerpoint and learn about plastic pollution in the ocean. Make a poster explaining how we can help the oceans.

Friday: Make a piece of artwork on your favourite sea creature.

Week 9 Home Learning 

This week's story is The Tiger who came to Tea.


Monday: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday: Use your story map to write out the story.

Wednesday: Complete the ordering numbers activity. 

Thursday: Learn about Tigers. Create an information poster using information from the videos.                       

Friday: Draw a picture of the tea party you would have for the Tiger. 

Week 8 Home Learning 

Our new topic is Favourite Books. 

This week's story is The Gruffalo.


Monday: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday: Draw and cut out the story characters and use them to make a puppet show.

Wednesday: Complete the Gruffalo Suduko activities.

Thursday: Learn about the habitats of these woodland animals. Create an information poster and the habitats. 

Friday: Think about the feelings of the characters in this story. Create a piece of artwork that would make others smile. 

Week 7 Home Learning 

This week's story is Cinderella.


Monday: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday: Write out an invitation to Cinderella's Ball.

Wednesday: Using the Cinderella home learning challenge sheet. Complete as many of these challenges as you can and get a dojo for each one you finish. 

Thursday: Use your story map to rewrite the story of Cinderella.

Friday: Complete the Cinderella Maths activity. 

Week 6 Home Learning 

This week's story is The Gingerbread Man


Monday: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday: Can you follow the recipe to make a gingerbread Man or use playdough to do this.

Wednesdayl: Using the Gingerbread Man home learning challenge sheet. Complete as many of these challenges as you can and get a dojo for each one you finish. 

Thursday: Use your story map to rewrite the story of The Gingerbread Man.

Friday: Make a gingerbread man puppet to act out the story. 

Week 5 Home Learning 

This week's story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


Monday: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday: Cut out the characters and put them in height order. 

Wednesday: Using the Three Bears home learning challenge sheet. Complete as many of these challenges as you can and get a dojo for each one you finish. 

Thursday: Use your story map to rewrite the story of The Three Bears.

Friday: Find different items in your house to put in size order. 

Week 4 Home Learning 

This week's story is Little Red Riding Hood.


Mondayl: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family.

Tuesday: O'clock times. Watch the video on 'time' and make your own clock. It can be a simple clock on plain paper and if you can't pin the hands onto your clock, just place them on to practise making o'clock times. 

Wednesday: Using the Little Red Riding Hood home learning challenge sheet. Complete as many of these challenges as you can and get a dojo for each one you finish. 

Thursday: Use your story map to rewrite the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Friday: What would you put in your basket for Granny? Draw a picture and write about your choices. 

Week 3 Home Learning 

Our new topic is Fairy Tales and this week's story is The Three Little Pigs.


Monday 20th April: Create your own story map of this story and use it to retell the story to your family. 

Tuesday 21st April: Counting in two's. Watch the video and learn the counting in 2s sequence.
Then have a go at colouring in the squares using the 2s sequence.
Wednesday 22nd April: Using The Three Little Pigs home learning challenge sheet. Complete as many of these challenges as you can and get a dojo for each one you finish. 

Thursday 23rd April: Use your story map to rewrite the story of The Three Little Pigs.

Friday 24th April: Which pig built the strongest/weakest house? Collect some objects of different materials and find out which is the strongest/weakest. How could you test this out? 

 Week 2 Home Learning

Monday 30th March: Daily challenge- Find out about the chicken lifecycle. What is an egg tooth? Why do chicks have an egg tooth? What happens to the egg tooth after the chick hatches?

Tuesday 31st March: Daily challenge- Listen to the story of the Little Red Hen and answer the questions. 1) What colour is the hen? 2) What did the hen want to make? 3) Why wouldn't the pig help her? 4) Who were the hen's friends? 5) Who ate the bread in the end? 

Wednesday 1st April: Practise reading and writing tricky words you, are, my, they, all. 

Thursday 2nd April: Find out and list which animals do and do not lay eggs. 

Friday 3rd April: Using your purple mash login, decorate an Easter egg. 

 Week 1  Home Learning

Monday 23rd March: Daily challenge - Find out about Frogs spawn. Complete maths & writing tasks from your home learning book.

Tuesday 24th March: Daily challenge- Write full sentences about the frog lifecycle, using capital letters and full stops. 

Wednesday 25th March: Daily challenge: Write a letter to your teacher explaining what you have been doing. Remember full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. 

Thursday 26th March: Watch the video on sharing and practise sharing into equal groups using a range of different objects.

Write sentences with the phase 2 tricky words: to, I, no, ,go, the

Friday 27th March: Design your own front cover for our story of the week 'Tadpole's Promise.' Include pictures of the frog lifecycle. Use your logins to explore mini mash. 

Other videos to watch:

 22nd March

Wishing all the Mums a Happy Mother's Day today!

Every morning at 9am Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) will be teaching PE live on youtube starting Monday 23rd March. We would recommend starting your day with some active learning to promote health and wellbeing. 

If you would like to follow the PE lesson with some phonics, log into using the following login details:

username- march20

password- home

This website is free for parents to use at home during this coronavirus outbreak. The children are familiar with these phonics games, particularly Flashcards, Giggling Graphemes, Tricky word Trucks and Rescue Rocket. Enjoy! 

 16th March

This week we read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and we learnt about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We enjoyed watching our class caterpillars make their cocoons and we are looking forward to watching them turn into butterflies. In Maths we worked on halving again and we used towers of cubes to practise halving numbers. 

 9th March

This week we read the story 'The Tiny Seed' and we learnt about the lifecycle of a plant. We loved having two visits to enhance our new topic. Penny from Coolings Garden Centre showed us how to plant seeds and we all had a go. Andy from Animal Encounters brought us a selection of exotic animals for us to touch and learn about. 

 2nd March

This week we read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and we planted our own beans. We have learnt how to water the beans and what they need in order to grow. In Maths we continued to learn how to double numbers and wrote out our number sentences. 

 24th February

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term. Our new topic is Growing and this week we have been learning about minibeasts. We read the stories 'The Very Lazy Ladybird' and 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird.' In Maths we learnt how to double numbers and we doubled the spots on the ladybirds. 

 10th February

For the last week of our topic we learnt about the job of the Lollipop Lady and how she helps us. We had a visit from our Lollipop Lady who let us hold her lollipop and she spoke to us about road safety. In Maths we continued to learn the names of 3d shapes and how to use mathematical terms to describe them.

 3rd February

This week was Dentist week. We learnt about the job of a dentist and how they help us. We were lucky to have a visit from a dentist who showed us how to clean our teeth properly and what food and drink is healthy for our teeth. We wrote about our story of the week 'Topsy and Tim Visit the Dentist.' 

 27th January

This week was Doctors week. We learnt about the job of a doctor and how they help us. We were lucky to have a visit from a paramedic who showed us some equipment and uniform and spoke to us about their job. We also learnt about Chinese new year and had a great time celebrating with a dance workshop and an arts afternoon! In Maths we learnt how to read o'clock times on an analogue clock. 

 20th January

This week was Firefighter week. We learnt about the job of a fire fighter and how they help us. We were lucky to have a visit from Orpington firefighters who showed us some equipment and uniform and spoke to us about their job. We also had fun climbing into the fire engine! In Maths we started to use everyday language related to time by ordering daily events. 

 13th January

This week was Police week. We learnt about the job of a police officer and how they help us. We were lucky to have a visit from an ex-police officer who showed us some equipment and uniform and spoke to us about his job. In Maths we continued learning about money by adding small coins. 

 6th January

Welcome back to school and happy new year! This week we began our new topic of 'people who help us.' We started by learning about the job of a vet and the children have a brand new vets role-play area to use for this half term. We had a visit from a pet snake, a pet tortoise and a veterinary nurse, which was a great start to the topic! We wrote about all kinds of animals and in Maths we began to learn about money. 

 16th December

This was our last week at school before Christmas. We hope you enjoyed watching our Christmas show and if you would like to have your own copy of the recording, please bring in a labelled memory stick with at least 2GB of memory. We loved seeing the Aladdin pantomime on Tuesday and thank you to all our helping parents who came with us. Merry Christmas! 

 9th December

This week we have been learning about why people celebrate Christmas. We have written letters to Father Christmas and made Christmas cards for our families. In Maths we have learnt about repeating patterns and we have completed some repeating shape patterns, recapping on the names of 2d shapes. We also had a visit from the Life Bus where we learnt about how to keep our bodies fit and healthy. 

 2nd December

This week we have been learning about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We had an exciting visit from Shane who works at the Bromley Reform Synagogue who spoke to us about the festival which will begin on 22nd December. This week was also Maths week so we have been using our online 'Numbots' and 'Mathletics' activities. Please continue to login at home and complete some of the tasks. 

 25th November

This week we have been learning about Thanksgiving. We made Thanksgiving cards to our families and wrote about what we are thankful for. In Maths we began to learn the names of common 2d shapes and we went on a shape hunt around the school to look for 2d shapes in our environment. 

 18th November

This week we have been learning about weddings. We have talked about different weddings around the world and compared the similarities/differences. The children used their phonics to write about what they have learnt about weddings and on Friday we will be having our very own Christian wedding! We are excited to experience a wedding with our friends! In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding of Subtraction. 

 11th November

On Monday we focussed on Remembrance and joined the rest of the school for a two minute silence at 11am. We also iced poppy biscuits and made some poppy artwork. During the rest of the week we talked about Anti-bullying week and we wrote about our friends. In Maths we learnt how to take-away one and use the language of 'less' and 'fewer.' 

 4th November

This week we learnt about Guy Fawkes and why we have Bonfire night. The children made beautiful firework paintings which you can see hanging up in the classroom now. In maths we continued to practise adding and recording of addition number sentences. 

 28th October

We have now started our new topic of 'Celebrations.' This half term we will be focussing on a different celebration each week and this week's focus was the Hindu festival of Diwali. We have enjoyed learning about the Rama and Sita story and making our own Diya lamps out of clay. Mrs Singh came to visit us to tell us how she celebrates Diwali in her own home and we enjoyed seeing some of her decorations. 

 14th October

This week we have been reading the book 'Titch,' which has helped us to understand the new Maths vocabulary involved with measurements. We put the characters from the story into height order and we compared our own heights with our friends. Thank you to all parents who came to our talk on reading this week. If you couldn't make it you can find the powerpoint slides at the bottom of our class website page. Have a great half term! 

 7th October

This week we have been reading the book 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?' We had a sight, smell, taste and memory test to practise using our senses. We also had a session with Kim, our resident artist and we made and painted clay tiles. Our phonics sounds were e, u, r, h and you can use this link to practise the songs at home- 

 30th September

This week we have been discussing our parents. We have been learning to read and write the words 'mum' and 'dad.' Our stories this week were 'My Mum' and 'My Dad' by Anthony Browne. Our phonics sounds were 'd, o, c, k.' 

 23rd September

This week we have been discussing our families. We have been reading the "Large Family" stories and drawing pictures of our own families. We practised writing our names in cursive handwriting. Our phonics sounds this week were 'i, n, g, m.' 

 16th September

This week the children have had a great time staying at school all day. Our topic is 'Ourselves' and we have been learning about the Funnybones story and labelling parts of our body. We have learnt our first phonics sounds 's, a t, p' and the Jolly Phonics songs to go with them, which you can find on youtube if you would like to practise this at home! 

  9th September 

This week the children have had a great time staying for lunch at school. They have all settled well into our daily routine and have been getting used to their school environment including the classroom, the garden and the canteen. We have been impressed with how independent and confident they have all been with things like finding their own pegs and choosing their lunches. We look forward to starting full days next week and beginning phonics lessons! 

 15th July

This week we had our final trip for our Journeys topic. We went on our own journey to High Elms and had fun being nature explorers! We went pond dipping and bug hunting. 

We had a class party and field games to celebrate our last few days in Reception. We wish everybody a happy summer holiday! Thank you all for your continued support

  8th July 

Literacy:  This week we have been on a journey to Australia! We have received a video from our Australian friend, Amanda, who has told us many interesting facts about her life in Australia. 

Maths: We have been recapping how to estimate and then count an amount of objects accurately. 

Topic: We have been rehearsing for our assembly on Africa. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Weeks presented us all with a book as an end of year present. 

 1st July

Literacy: This week we have been looking at the story 'Monkey Puzzle.' We have been learning all about the rainforest and which animals we might find living there. We have produced some lovely writing in our books, describing the animals that live there. 

Maths: This week we have focussed on recognising, creating and describing patterns. We have created shape patterns in our books, as well as using a number of different resources in our classroom to create patterns. 

Topic: This week our journeys topic has taken us to the Amazon rainforest. We have been reading stories, watching nature programmes and creating rainforest artwork.  

 24th June

Literacy: This week we have been talking about our highlights from our year in reception class. We have all had a go at writing about why we are stars and what we have learned to do this year. 

Maths: This week we have been working on a number of things in maths. We have been ordering numbers from 1-20, counting in 2's and solving problems by counting in 2's,5's and 10's. 

Topic: This week we have begun rehearsals for our class assembly, which will be performed to  years 1 and 2 in a couple of weeks. This has included learning a song from The Lion King and learning some African dancing. We can't wait to show the bigger children. 


17th June 

Accordion content

10th June 

Literacy:  This week we have been learning about the United  Kingdom. We learnt facts about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and we wrote them in our own simple sentences. 

Maths:  On Wednesday we used our water tray outside to measure how many cups of water it would take to fill different sized containers. On Thursday we used a balance to weigh different objects and we used cubes as our standard unit of measure. 

Topic: We have made artwork based on the different flags of the UK. This week was also healthy schools week so we have been keeping a tally of how many bottles of water we have consumed each day. We enjoyed celebrating Eid on Friday with a class party. 

3rd June 

Literacy:  This week we have started a new topic of 'Journeys.' Each week we will learn about a different area in the World and this week we focussed on Africa. We have been writing travel brochures about Africa. 

Maths: To further our adding skills we have been learning how to 'count on' from a given number in order to save time when adding. 

Topic: We have enjoyed making African animal collages and African sunset pictures. 

20th May 

Literacy:  This week we have been learning the story 'The Gingerbread man'. We had a go at re-telling as much of the story as possible. 

Maths: This week we have been learning how to add money. We have been looking at coins and their value and how to add them together. 

Topic: As part of our topic this week we have been experimenting with floating and sinking. We made predictions and then carried out an experiment to see which items floated and which sunk. 

13th May 

Literacy: This week we have been preparing for our Cinderella Ball. We wrote out invitations to all the adults working in the school and we were so excited to see so many of our guests turn up on the day. 

Maths: In maths we have been working on solving problems, involving one more and one less. We were trying to get Cinderella to the Ball on time by following the numbered pathway. 

Topic: This week we have participated in a number of activities based around the Cinderella theme such as playing 'Whose shoe?',writing our wishes to the Fairy Godmother and decorating cakes to eat at the Ball. 

6th May 

Literacy: We have been learning the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ See how much of the story your child can re-tell.

Maths: We have been learning how to order numbers to 20 in a variety of ways. We used paint and number stamps, magnetic numbers and boards and even made our own number lines. 

29th April 

Literacy: We have been learning the story ‘Hansel and Gretel.’ See how much of the story your child can re-tell.

Maths: We have been learning how to solve subtraction word problems based on the Hansel and Gretel story. For our homework we will all be creating our own subtraction word problems to ask our friends.

22nd April 

Literacy: We have been learning the story ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ See how much of the story your child can re-tell.

Maths: We have been learning how to tell the time. We have been looking specifically at o’clock time, e.g. 5 o’clock. Can you challenge your child to tell the time throughout the day, from an analogue clock?

Topic: This term our topic is houses and homes. Can you find out about a different type of home from around the world, e.g. igloos, mud houses or tepees? Please prepare something to share with the class, e.g. a fact file, a drawing or a model.

1st April

Literacy: For our last week of our Growing topic we have learnt about the lifecycle of the chicken. We enjoyed finding out about how a chick develops inside the egg and how it takes 21 days to grow before hatching. 

Maths: We have been working on estimating this week and we were estimating how many Easter eggs there were in a basket.

Topic: We hope you enjoyed our assembly on Friday as much as we loved performing it to you all! The Spring concert was also a great success and a lovely way to end this term. We wish you all a lovely Easter holiday and will see you in our new classroom on 23rd April.  

25th March 

Literacy: This week we looked at the book 'The very hungry caterpillar.' We have been working on our independent writing skills by re-writing the story.

Maths: We have been doing maths assessments this week to check what we have now learnt.   

Topic: We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have been practising for our class assembly, which is all about 'The very hungry caterpillar.'

18th March 

Literacy: This week we looked at the book 'Tadpole's Promise' and we had our own tank of tadpoles in class to observe. We learnt about the lifecycle of a frog and how our tadpoles will develop. We wrote facts about the frog lifecycle. 

Maths: We learnt how to share equally into two groups. We shared out frogs onto lily pads.

We have been rehearsing our class assembly and we look forward to showing it to you next Friday! 

 11th March

Literacy: This week we looked at the book 'Jasper's beanstalk'. We have been writing instructions for how to plant a seed, including a title, list of equipment needed and numbered instructions. 

Maths: We have been learning how to halve, by cutting and sharing fruit with our friends.   

Topic: We have been learning about growing plants. We had a visitor from Cooling's garden centre, who showed us all how to plant our own seeds. We are looking after them in class and waiting to watch them grow. 

Next week:  We will be looking at the book 'The very hungry caterpillar' and working on our class assembly.


 4th March

Literacy: This week we looked at the book 'What the Ladybird heard'. We had a go at describing the thieves from the story. 

Maths: We have been learning how to double, by counting the spots on ladybirds and writing out the doubling number sentence to match.  

Topic: We have begun our topic of growing. This week we have been looking at how different animals grow.

Next week:  We will be planting beans and writing instructions of what we did. We will also be solving maths problems, involving halving and sharing. 


 8th February

Literacy: We have been learning about People who help us at home. We have read the Jolly Postman and written our own letters based on this story.

Maths: We have ordering numbers by solving Chinese dragon puzzles. Some of us even tried the counting in twos puzzle. 

Topic: We have been finding out about Chinese New Year. We have read the story, made lanterns, practised using chop sticks, eaten fortune cookies and crackers and also took part in a Chinese dance workshop.

Next week:  We will be using money to pay for items. Please can you practise using money at home and record what you have learnt in your homework book e.g. photos, drawings of the coins that you know, paying for things, change etc.

 1st February

Literacy: We have been learning about being healthy this week. We have written sentences about people being sick and pretended to be doctors and dentists

Maths: We have been learning about 3D shapes this week. We had to build a model using these shapes and then describe it to a partner (who couldn’t see our model) to see if they could make it. We had great fun doing this and most of our models were identical.

Topic: We were very excited to be visited by the dentist and loved pretending to clean the puppet’s teeth as well as making healthy plates of food.

Next week:  Please can you write a letter/draw a picture to send to yourself at school. The postman is going to deliver them all to school on Friday and we want every child to have something to open. The children will enjoy posting their letters in the postbox at home and then they arrive in school.  The office staff will keep them all until Friday if you want to send them over the weekend or the start of the week. (If you do forget to post them in time you can hand them to one of the teachers to add to the post bag)        

 21st January

Literacy: We have been learning about firefighters. We wrote sentences to go with pictures about a cat being stuck up a tree and needing to be rescued by some firefighters.

Maths: We have been learning about length and capacity this week. We have been comparing and ordering firefighter ladders and measuring coloured water into containers so that they are full, ½ full and empty. 

Topic: We have been learning about the role of the firefighter and acting out some of their jobs.

Next week: We are learning about doctors, nurses and the dentist will be visiting us. Please can your child find out something about being healthy to share with the class e.g. making a fruit salad or cooking healthy food, dressing up as a doctor/nurse, writing instructions about how to clean your teeth, make a poster about being healthy, take photos of yourself at a club e.g. ballet, football etc.

 14th January

Literacy: We have been learning about the Police. We wrote captions to go with pictures about a lost bag handed into the police by sounding out the words. We have had a go at writing lost posters for our missing bird feeder independently.

Maths: We have been learning to estimate a number of objects and then counting them to see if we were close to our guess. We have also been learning the vocabulary ‘more and fewer’.

Topic: We had a visit from the Cray Valley Police this week who spoke to us about their job and uniform. Unfortunately our bird feeder went missing this week. We have been detectives trying to use clues to find out where it went. We wrote our eye witness accounts for the Police who helped us to find the bird feeder that had been taken by a fox. We have made police badges and taken our fingerprints to look at how they are all different.  

TASK: We are learning about firefighters next week. Please can you find out something about firefighters to share e.g. draw a picture of their clothes, make a model fire engine, create a poster of how they help people, make your own fire helmet or hose, paint a fire picture etc you can be as creative as you like.

 7th January

Literacy: We have been talking about what we have been doing during the Christmas holidays and started our new topic by learning about the vets. We have been matching the pets to their homes and explaining why they live there.

Maths: We have been learning to take away this week. We have been taking away a given number of ‘dog bones’ and finding the answer.

Topic: We have started our ‘People who help us’ topic by learning about the ‘Vets’. We have watched videos about what vets do and created our own vet in class. We have discussed what animals need e.g. food, water, a home etc and were very excited to be visited by some pets.

TASK: Next week we are learning about the Police. Please can you find out something about what they do to share with the class e.g. help at football matches, concerts etc help with fires and accidents, solve crimes and carry out detective work. You could make your own Police badge, make a police car/motor bike/ horse with lego, take your finger prints and that of your family to see that they are all different, make a poster about one of their job roles, dress up as a police officer or even solve your own mystery.

 10th December

This week we learnt about Christmas. We wrote and made Christmas cards for our families including lots of Christmas themed art. We have been recapping all of our phonics sounds this week and continued learning to read the phase 2 Tricky words as mentioned last week. In Maths we learnt about 3D shapes, focussing on cone, cube, cuboid and sphere. We look forward to performing our Christmas sing-along on Monday 17th December at 2.15pm. 

3rd December 

This week we learnt about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We were visited by Shane from the Bromley Reform Synagogue who taught us about how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah and the kinds of foods they eat during this time. It was lovely to learn some songs about Hanukkah too! In Phonics we have been learning to read and write the phase 2 tricky words: the, I, no, go, to, and. Please continue to practise these words at home or point them out in your child's reading book. 

26th November

Christmas is on its way! This week we learnt about Advent which linked in nicely with our rehearsals for our Christmas sing-along and our school Christmas fair. We have been writing letters to Father Christmas which we have posted and have taken part in lots of Christmas craft activities. A big thank you to everybody who helped support our charity by purchasing one of our clay Diwa lamps. 

19th November

This week we learnt about how and why people celebrate Thanksgiving. We thought about the people in our lives that we are grateful for and the reasons why. The children made Thank you cards and we painted our Diwa lamps which we will sell next week to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves. You can find our Diwa lamps being sold in the corridor next week and we would be grateful for any donations which will go to our chosen charity. Thank you for your support. 

12th November

This week was Anti-bullying week. We talked a lot about friendships and read some stories about taking care of our friends. We drew pictures and wrote about the friends we have made in our class. In Maths we learnt how to subtract on a number-line and we started to use the vocabulary involved with subtraction such as 'less' and 'take-away.' 

5th November

This week we learnt about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We made Diwa lamps out of clay and discussed the story of Rama and Sita. The children talked about what they would wear to their own family festivals/celebrations and we compared this to other cultures. We also made some artwork for Remembrance day and we talked about the First World War and how it effected the lives of children at that time. We made some Remembrance artwork which has been displayed in the hall. 

29th October

This week we have started a new topic of 'Celebrations.' Each week until Christmas we will learn about a different special event and this week was 'Bonfire Night.' We learnt about Guy Fawkes, the gunpowder plot and firework safety. We have also been learning how to add numbers in Maths so please recap this at home by talking about adding one more onto a number. As it is our second half term we have now started going to assembly on a Monday afternoon. 

15th October

Wow, half term already! We have had a fantastic six weeks! This week we have been measuring our heights and comparing them by using the words 'tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest.' Our story of the week was 'Titch' and we used these new words to describe the characters in the story. Our phonics sounds this week were f, l, j and b. Please practise singing our phonics songs by using this link-

It was good to see you all at parents evening and we wish you a happy half term break!  

8th October

This week was Science Week and we were lucky enough to visit four other classrooms to take part in some fun science experiments. We made slime, investigated floating and sinking, explored dissolving and built Lego bridges. Our story of the week was 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?' and we practised ordering main events from the story. In Maths we have been learning about more and less and comparing different weights. Our weekly phonics sounds were e, u, r and h. We look forward to seeing you all next week at Parents evening. 

1st October

Our stories for this week were 'My Mum' and 'My Dad' by Anthony Browne. We had a creative afternoon of painting portraits of our Mums, Dads, Grandmothers and Grandfathers and we enjoyed experimenting with colours. In Maths we learnt how to identify 2d shapes and we enjoyed taking part in a shape hunt to find 2d shapes in our environment. Our phonics sounds for this week were d, o, c and k. Please encourage your child to find these sounds in their reading books next week! 

24th September

This week we have enjoyed focusing on stories about The Large Family, starting with 'Five Minutes Peace.' The children have drawn and labelled their families using the phonics sounds we have learnt so far. (s, a, t, p, i, n, g, m)

In Maths we have been focusing on ordering and writing numbers to 10 or even 20. Please do encourage your child to practise careful counting at home. 

17th September

This week in Willow class we have enjoyed our first computing lesson in which we used the "2 Simple" software to create pictures of ourselves. Our story of the week was Funny Bones and we learnt the names of different body parts. The children did very well at changing for PE on Thursday for the first time. Please keep practising this at home.  

10th September

This week in willow class we have enjoyed meeting the rest of our classmates and staying for our first week of school dinners. As it is health week we have discussed healthy foods and we even took part in a whole school 'Joe Wicks workout'. We're looking forward to our first full school day next week. 

Literacy: We have learnt about the Grimm Brothers who were German authors and wrote about ourselves. We have read Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin and The Ugly Duckling to name a few.

Maths: This week we have been learning to count to 10 in German and playing lots of 3D shape games including making our own 3D shape sweet homes just like Hansel & Gretel.

Topic: This week we have been on a journey around Germany. We learnt about the ‘Fairy Tale Road’ in Germany and discussed why you should not talk to strangers whilst reading Little Red Riding Hood and saying kind things to our friends whilst reading The Ugly Duckling.

TASK: Next week we are continuing on our journey around the world. We will be focusing on Spain and would love for you to find out all about Spain. You could learn to count to ten in Spanish, make a poster, make a Spanish fan,  eat Tapas for dinner or even do a flamenco dance!

22nd June

Literacy: This week we have been looking at children who live and go to school in Thailand. We have written letters about ourselves and a question about life in Thailand.

Maths: This week we have been working on place value and recognising tens and ones e.g. 17 is 1 ten and 7 ones and using this to help us count how much money we have rather than counting each coin as 1p.

Topic: This week we have been practising our chop stick skills as part of our work learning about Thailand, which has been great fun! Perhaps you can have a chopstick evening at home?

TASK: Next week we are continuing on our journey around the world. We will be focusing on Germany. We will learn about The Grimm brothers and the famous Fairy Tale road in Germany. We will be reading Hansel and Gretel along with many more fairy stories written by the Grimm Brothers. We will learn to count to 10 as well as much more… Please can you find out about Germany e.g. learn to count to 10, create your own sweet house, write your favourite fairy story, create your own fairy tale road etc.

 15th June 2018

Literacy: We have written father’s and grandfather’s day cards.

Maths: This week we have been focussing on addition and subtraction and have played a London bus game. We have also had a look at the value of numbers and have been ordering numbered bus stops in both ascending and descending order.

Topic: This week we have been on a journey around England. We learnt about Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham, read the story ‘The Queen’s Knickers’ and made our own colourful pair of pants and even had afternoon tea! We also looked at various landmarks across London and made our own beautiful art pieces.

TASK: Next week we are continuing on our journey around the world. We will be focusing on Thailand and would love for you to find out all about Thailand. You could make a factfile or a poster. You could make a travel brochure that gives details about the different places in Thailand you can visit. You could find out more about the kinds of weather they have at different times of the year in Thailand. You could find out about the food that you can eat in Thailand. You could find out about the history of your favourite landmark.

 8th June 2018

Literacy: We have been writing our own story using original African story called ‘The Papaya that spoke.’

Maths: We have been counting in twos and pairing up socks

Topic: This week we have been creating our African setting using the milk-pastel technique.

For next week: Our journey continues to the U.K. Can you find out something about the U.K to share with the class. E.g. where is England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales on a map? Who are the royal family? Who is Saint George? Is there a Loch Ness Monster? We will be sharing what we have found out about the UK on Friday in class whilst having afternoon tea with tea and scones/cakes.

 18th May 2018

Literacy: We retold the story of Cinderella and wrote invitations to each member of staff for our ball on Friday. We became shoe detectives and had to match the shoes to the photos of our teachers.

Maths: We have continued learning about estimation by making sensible guesses about how many multi-link cubes would fit in our shoes and then counted out how many really did fit and checking our answers with our estimations. We looked at how to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks and made sure we all knew what midnight would look like, ready for our Cinderella ball!

Topic: We had our science hats on where we were predicting and investigating what happens when you put skittles in water. Why not ask us what the outcome was!

TASK: We are learning the story of the Gingerbread Man and things that float and sink. For homework this week please could you investigate objects around the home that might float or sink. You can put the objects in the bath/sink and sending us your photos on class dojo e.g rubber duck, do all spoons float? Etc

 11th May 2018

Literacy: We have had a fun week learning all about bears and their homes. We have written the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and have had fun role-playing the story and we have had a very exciting cooking lesson making our own porridge.

Maths: We have had a go at estimating in maths this week and have enjoyed making some sensible guesses about how much food baby bear, mummy bear and daddy bear had on their plates, then checking how much food there really was.

TASK: Please can you log onto mathletics using the username and password in your homework books and play as many games as you can as we are giving out certificates in assembly each week for any child who has reach their bronze or silver award.

Don’t forget it is our Cinderella Ball on Friday 18th May and your child needs to come to school dresses in their best clothes.

 4th May 2018

Literacy: We have been writing about our weekend trying to write 2-3 sentences independently.

Maths: We have been measuring our feet using cubes and rulers. We then went onto do an investigation using a ramp and cars to see which could roll the furthest. We had to measure using what we had learnt during the week.

Topic: This week we have been looking at houses from around the world. We have made igloos from ice cubes and mud huts from soil and sticks. We then went onto look at household objects from the past and tried to work out what they were before matching old household objects to new ones.

Task: Next week we are going to be learning the story of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and in maths sharing numbers, porridge etc fairly. Can you show that you can share things? E.g. sharing grapes equally with your brother, sharing water in two cups so they both have the same, sharing toys with your sister, sharing biscuits (you may need to break one in half so that it is fair!) What other things can you share?

We want to know that your child understands the concept ‘sharing’!

 27th April 2018

Literacy: We have been learning about the story of the Three Little Pigs. We drew our own story maps and used these to retell the story using exciting story language.

Maths: We have been solving number calculations this week in maths using both addition and subtraction operations. We have been working out the answers to these problems using pigs and wolves and have had a go at using a number line in our books as well.

Topic: We planned, predicted, tested and evaluated an investigation this week! We had to choose which material would withstand the wolf’s huffing and puffing. We then used these materials to build a house and tested them using the wolf (hair dryer)

TASK: Next week we are going to be exploring different types of technology that you might find in your house and at school. Please can your child bring in something to share or show that represents technology that they have in their house. E.g. washing machine, television, computer, microwave, kettle. They could draw the technology and label it in their books, take photos of the technology in the home, or even a photograph of your child using a kettle, or washing machine. Maybe make a poster and write instructions on how to use a kettle, or an electric toothbrush etc

 20th April 2018

Literacy: We were very excited to come back from the Easter Holidays and we have written all about what we did. We have also painted our homes and written labels for the windows, doors etc.  

Maths: We have been learning to order numbers on houses to 20 and we noticed that on real homes the odd numbers were on one side and the even on the other. We then had to match the correct number of people to the number on the house.

Topic: We are very excited that Paddington Bear came to see us and we are all going to take it in turns to take Paddington Bear home over the next few weeks to teach him all about our homes.

For next week we are learning all about the 3 little pigs please can you bring something in to share about the story e.g. puppets, story map, cartoon strip, character masks, make your own pig game, sing a song about pigs/ wolf etc


 29th March 2018

Literacy: We have been finding out about the Easter story. We pretended to be Jesus arriving in Jerusalem. Our friends stood either side of the corridor and welcomed us by waving, giving high fives and saying hello. We then had a last supper with bread and Ribena before watching a short power point showing Jesus carrying a cross and then rising again.

Maths: We have been playing maths games adding and subtracting eggs and finding the total.

Topic: We have made stained glass windows, made chocolate Easter nests and we even found time to go on an egg hunt!

TASK: Our new topic will be houses and homes. Please can you make a model home from around the world to display in our classroom and talk about how you made it when we come back after the holiday.

 23rd March 2018

Literacy: We have been making our own diaries based on the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’

Maths: We have been looking at patterns this week.

Topic: We have had a very exciting ‘Animal Encounter’ and loved touching the geckos, snakes and bearded dragons to name a few. We even found the time to paint symmetrical butterflies

TASK: Please can you make an Easter bonnet for a parade on Thursday 29th March.

 16th March 2018

Literacy: We read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and wrote about what the caterpillar ate throughout the week.

Maths: We have been learning our numbers thinking about one more and one less with Mr Greenwood and please practise at home using the interactive resources.

Topic: We have been learning all about how plants grow this week. We completed a scientific investigation using white flowers and food colouring. We made predictions and explained what happened in conclusions as well. I wonder if your child could explain to you what happened in more detail.

TASK: Each class has got 5 real caterpillars and we have been watching them grow. Next week we are going to learn about our caterpillars in more detail: You can: paint your own symmetrical butterfly, print your own caterpillar using 2 colour patterns etc (top tip potatoes work well, toothbrushes etc) You  can make your own life cycle of a caterpillar using junk modelling, mobiles, posters etc The more creative the better!

 2nd and 9th March 2018

Literacy: We have been reading and writing the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ this week as part of book week

Maths: We have made a class graph about our favourite pancake toppings. Chocolate spread was the favourite!

Topic: We have also been doing lots of exciting things for book week including reading with our friends.

Next week:  We are going to be learning all about plants including what they need to grow, the lifecycle of a beanstalk and writing instructions about how to grow a plant. Please can you create your own seed/plant packet, or instructions about how to plant them or a poster about what plants need to grow?

 23rd February 2018

Homework 23rd February

Literacy: We have been learning the story ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’ by Eric Carle. We have had a go at retelling the story using only actions and did a great job!

Maths: We have been learning about doubling. We learnt what doubling was and used a ladybird to help us double numbers, then had a go at recording what we had found out using number sentences. 

Topic: Our new topic started off with a great visit to Waterstones where we listened to some fantastic storytellers and had a great time.

Next week: We are going to have a go at writing a whole story over the week and will be completing lots of activities based on the story. We are all going to dress up as our favourite book character for World Book Day on Friday 2nd March. We would like to find out which stories are your children’s favourites. Please can they bring in a book to share. It would be nice to know why it is their favourite, which character/page/part of the story they like the best and why.

 2nd February 2018

Homework 2nd February 2018

Literacy: We have been learning about People who help us at home. We have read the Jolly Postman and written our own letters based on this story.

Maths: We have been learning about money. We focused on recognising coins and acting out buying items in a shop using real money. 

Topic: We have acted out his route by following letter clues and completing challenges along the way.

Next week:  This week we have found using money to pay for items very hard as there isn’t a 3p coin etc. Please can you practise using money at home and record what you have learnt in your homework book e.g. photos, drawings of the coins that you know, paying for things, change etc.

 26th January 2018

Homework 26th January 2018

Literacy: We have been learning about being healthy this week. We have written sentences about children who aren’t well and labelled our bodies.

Maths: We have been learning about 3D shapes this week. We had to build a model using these shapes and then describe it to a partner (who couldn’t see our model) to see if they could make it. We had great fun doing this and most of our models were identical.

Topic: We have made doctors bags this week by following the instructions about how to make it. We had some very tricky things to cut out and we all had to use a stapler.

Next week:  Please can you write a letter/draw a picture to send to yourself at school. The postman is going to deliver them all to school on Friday and we want every child to have something to open. The children will enjoy posting their letters in the postbox at home and then they arrive in school.  The office staff will keep them all until Friday if you want to send them over the weekend or the start of the week. (If you do forget to post them in time you can hand them to one of the teachers to add to the post bag)        

 19th January 2018

Literacy: We have been learning about firefighters. We wrote sentences to go with pictures about a cat being stuck up a tree and needing to be rescued by some firefighters.

Maths: We have been learning about length and capacity this week. We have been comparing and ordering firefighter ladders and measuring coloured water into containers so that they are full, ½ full and empty. 

Topic: We have been using a software programme called ‘Purple Mash’ where we put our faces into a different person, you will have to guess who we are. Look out for the fantastic displays that will be going up soon!

Next week: We are learning about doctors, nurses and the dentist will be visiting us. Please can your child find out something about being healthy to share with the class e.g. making a fruit salad or cooking healthy food, dressing up as a doctor/nurse, writing instructions about how to clean your teeth, make a poster about being healthy, take photos of yourself at a club e.g. ballet, football etc.

12th January 2018

Homework 12th January

Literacy: We have been learning about the Police. We wrote captions to go with pictures about a lost bag handed into the police by sounding out the words. We have had a go at writing lost posters for our missing bird feeder independently.

Maths: We have been practising our addition skills this week. We practised adding and then explaining our findings using mathematical vocabulary. We have also had a go at adding using a number line.

Topic: Unfortunately our bird feeder went missing this week. We have been detectives trying to use clues to find out where it went. We wrote our eye witness accounts for the Police who helped us to find the bird feeder that had been taken by a fox. We have made police badges and taken our fingerprints to look at how they are all different.  

TASK: We are learning about firefighters next week. Please can you find out about the job of a firefighter. How do they help people? What clothes do they wear? What transport do they use? What equipment do they have?

5th January 2018

Literacy: We have been practicing the sounds; j,v,w,x and reading/writing them in words e.g. vet. We also have been thinking about pets and what they need.

Maths: We have been learning to take away this week. We have been taking away a given number of ‘dog bones’ and finding the answer.

Topic: We have started our ‘People who help us’ topic by learning about the ‘Vets’. We have watched videos about what vets do and created our own vet in class. We have discussed what animals need e.g. food, water, a home etc and were very excited to be visited by some real pets this week!

TASK: Next week we are learning about the Police. Please can you find out something about what they do to share with the class e.g. help at football matches, concerts etc help with fires and accidents, solve crimes and carry out detective work. You could make your own Police badge, police car/motor bike/ horse, take your finger prints and that of your family to see that they are all different, make a poster about one of their job roles, dress up as a police officer, make a lego jail or even solve your own mystery. 

8th December

Homework 8th December 2017

Dear Everyone,

This homework is for the Christmas holidays…

Our topic next half term is ‘People Who Help Us’. Please can you create something around this topic.  It could be on anybody who helps us in the community. Fire Brigade, Vets, Police, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers. You could make a model, design a poster, create a collage, anything you like, just have fun!

Please read with your child and practise cursive letters and their names.

Finally, thank you for your support with the home learning, it really does make a difference for your child.

1st December

Homework 1st December 2017

Your child must do the task in green.

The other tasks are optional.


Literacy: We have been practising the sounds ‘f, l, b, and ‘j’. We were very excited when the elves put a post box for Father Christmas outside our classroom and we have been very busy writing our letters to him about what we would like for Christmas.

Maths: We have been learning about 3D shapes this week; sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone & pyramid. We have had great fun using these shapes to make models as well as playing lots of games with them.

Topic: We found out about St Andrews Day on Wednesday and were very excited to find out there might be a monster in Loch Ness. We used play dough to make our own Loch Ness monsters and finished the day by eating shortbread biscuits.

TASK: Can you finish our topic on celebrations by finding out about Christmas in another country around the world? E.g. Make a poster, what do they wear? What traditions do they have? Make some models e.g. paról from Philippines, make/taste some food that people eat, when do people put up their decorations etc.  

24th November

Homework 24th November 2017

Your child must do the task in green. The other tasks are optional.

Literacy: We have been practicing the sounds ‘e,u,r,h’ and retelling the story ‘Owl Babies’.

Maths: We have been learning about time this week. We have sequenced our day and made ‘My Day’ books.

Topic: We have been learning about Nocturnal animals. We have sorted animals into groups that come out during the day and night and discussed any that could be both.

TASK: Next week we are learning about Advent and starting our ‘Countdown to Christmas’. Please can you bring in something to share e.g. make a list about what you want for Christmas, write a letter to Santa, take photos of your Christmas tree at home, make a Christmas card for a friend in your class, get arty and make a Christmas decoration, etc.

17th November

Literacy: We have been practicing the sounds ‘g,o,c,k and writing the names of our friends.

Maths: We have been working out what 1 less and 1 more than any given number is. We have been using a number line to help us to work out the answers.

Topic: We have been celebrating friendships and feelings this week. We have had a go at drawing our friends, we have made models of our friends and have discussed what makes a good friend. We have been giving each other compliments and every time that someone said or did something nice to us we put a cube in our class friendship bucket.

TASK: Next week we are learning about nocturnal animals. What can you find out about nocturnal animals? Can you make a mask of your favourite nocturnal animal? Can you draw a picture or make a model of them? Can you find out where they live, eat, sleep? Do any animals visit your local area at night? Can you investigate who comes near to your house at night-time?

10th November

Literacy: We have written our own fireworks poems and are starting to apply our phonics knowledge to our writing, which is fantastic!

Maths: We have spent the week focussing on subtraction and have looked at the vocabulary used in subtraction, the symbols for – and =

Topic: We have learnt about Remembrance Day. We have painted our hands red to make a class poppy wreath as well as forming a poppy shape on the laptops during our computing lesson.

TASK: Next week is anti-bullying week and therefore we would love to find out more about your friendships. Who are your friends? What makes a good friend? You could draw a portrait or paint a picture of your friend/s. You could make a poster about friendship, or perhaps bring in a story to share that is all about friendship. Please bring in your homework on Friday. Many thanks.

 3rd November

Literacy: We have been practicing the sounds ‘s,a,t,p,i’ and writing words with these sounds in them e.g. at, is, it etc. We have also written our own Diwali cards

Maths: We have been adding fireworks this week. We have focused on the vocabulary add, plus, more, equals and altogether. 

Topic: We have been finding out about the festival Diwali. 

TASK: Next week we are going to be learning about Remembrance Day please can you find out something about Remembrance Day to share with the class e.g. make a poppy wreath, find out about rationing, uniforms, evacuees, make a gas mask etc.


20th October

Literacy: We have been learning the sounds; ‘b, f, l, h’ Can you please practice these at home with your child  using this website to help with the songs. We have been learning the story ‘Titch’

 Maths: We have been investigating who is the tallest and shortest and finding objects that are taller and shorter than Titch.

Topic: What is special about yourself? What is special to you?”  Please bring in something to share this can be in your homework book or a painting, model, photos, objects, or other.

13th October 

Literacy: We have been learning the sounds; ‘e,r,u,h’ Can you please practice these at home with your child  using this website to help with the songs. We have been learning the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what can you see?’ and have been writing words and sentences about what we can see.

Maths: We have been learning about more and less and explaining our understanding. Identifying the group that contained less was much trickier, so if you would like to practice at home, that would be great.

Topic: We have been investigating our senses this week and we really enjoyed tasting crisps to guess the flavour, smelling pots to guess what food was in them and playing touching, sight and listening games.

 Next week we are going to be learning about the story of Titch and his family. In the story he compares the height of his family. TASK: Can you measure some things in your family/house? E.g. who has the biggest feet (draw around everyone’s feet and order) What is the tallest and shortest thing in your house? Draw your family in order of height? How many steps does it take to get from your bedroom to the front door? You can be as creative as you like.

6th October 

Literacy: We have been learning the sounds “g,o,c,k” Please use this website to practice at home:

Maths: We have been on a 2D shape hunt and made shape patterns.

Topic: We have been using the computer to draw pictures of our Mums and Dads as well writing about what they are good at and how we feel about them.

TASK: Next week we are learning all about the 5 senses. Your child needs to have something to show and talk about on Friday 14th October. You can make a musical instrument, make some glasses, with your family try and guess the flavour of crisps from a mixed selection, make some smelling pots for your friends to guess what is inside of them, draw a picture of yourself and label the 5 senses.

25th September 

Literacy: We have been learning the sounds ‘i,n,m,d’’ Can you please practice these at home with your child.  using this website to help with the songs.

Maths: We have been ordering numbers using the song 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.... Can you please practice with your child ordering numbers to 10 and beyond? We then extended the learning by having missing numbers and ordering them e.g. 5,3,8,1 – 1,3,5,8

Topic: We have been talking about ‘our skeleton’ this week. We have read the book Funny Bones and drawn our own skeletons. We had great fun playing the game ‘operation’ where we had to take the bones out from the patient without setting off the buzzer.  

Next week we are going to be focusing on the 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle etc). Please bring in something to share about 2D shapes e.g. a shape mobile, a shape picture, go on a shape hunt around your house, make some shapes using food e.g. pizza, make a shape pattern, make a poster about shapes etc. Your child needs to have something to show and talk about on Friday 6th October. You can bring them into school before then but we won’t be showing them until the Friday

18th September 

Literacy: We have been continuing to write our names using cursive handwriting – please continue to practice at home.

Maths: We have been learning to recognise and write numbers. Please practise at home with your child.

Task: “I know some bones in the body” your child needs to bring in something to talk about on Friday 29th September E.g. label a skeleton, research animal bones on the internet or at the library and make a poster or leaflet. Make a skeleton using straws, cut out an old magazine in the shape of bones and

create a skeleton.

 11th September

All of the reception children finally got to see each other this week as they all stayed for lunch. The children have been very busy creating displays in the classroom including their favourite books and 5 currant buns. We have had our first computing lesson and met our P.E teachers in the hall where we played a few fun games. We were also very excited to have our first Music lesson and can't wait to see what we will be doing next week...

Our homework for next week is to bring in something to share about their family e.g. a photo, family tree etc. Your child will sit in small groups and share their homework with their friends.


 6th September

It has been lovely to meet all of the children again this week. I must say how smart they all look in their new school uniforms! We have had a fun few days getting to know each other and the children are settling in to their new class well. The children have all painted self portraits this week, drawn who is in their family and played lots of maths games from digging for buried treasure shapes to rescuing the superheroes by working out what numbers they were.

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  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
