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Weekly Catch Up

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 7th July

This week we finished our literacy topic by writing a recount about sports day! In maths, we continued to learn how to tell the time and in PSHE we researched the difference between baby animals and fully grown animals. In topic we visited Austria and tasted croissants whilst researching facts on the iPad. We also visited Pizza Express on Friday which was brilliant. We learnt where the ingredients come from and we made our own pizzas!

 30th July

It was health week this week so we took part in a dance workshop and a nutrition workshop! We learnt a new dance and learnt about how to stay healthy using our diets. In Literacy we began learning how to write a recount and in Maths we recapped time. We celebrated Eid in RE and made Eid celebration cards, we visited Greece in Topic and tasted pita bread with hummus!

 23rd June

It was assessment week this week and all the children were brilliant! Well done to all of you! In the afternoons we created flags for each of the countries we visited using pastels and powered milk which was great fun. In topic, we visited Spain and tasted chorizo. Finally, it’s been very hot this week so well done to everyone for working hard in the heat.

 16th June

Swimming was our first great success this week as each child spent an hour in the pool learning different swimming strokes and some even began to learn how to swim! Well done! In literacy we continued to write our action story about a precious object being found which has been stolen. In maths we learnt how to read measurements in ml and l. We visited China in topic and tasted noodles! Finally in RE we learnt about the story of Rosa Parks and her impact on diversity and stereotypes.

 9th June

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your half term. To begin, we had our first swimming and everyone was brilliant! It was great to watch all the children swim and everyone was incredibly supportive of those children who swam for the first time! We also took part in an e-safety SPLAT workshop and performed a play to the school which we enjoyed. In topic we visited Germany and tried Frankfurters. We set up a plant experiment in science and contributed to code in computing.

25th May

We’ve had lots of fun filling the last week with activities! It’s science week so Year 3 took part in a workshop with Year 6 and had fun with explosion experiments. We also created our own lava lamp in class with water, oil and salt! In Topic we visited Germany and tried Frankfurters which were tasty. In Literacy we used green screen to record a newspaper report about a dragon being discovered in the school basement! Finally, in maths we continued to learn about money.

 19th May

This week Year 3 visited Tesco! We had a brilliant morning exploring the store with our expert guide! This week we began to write newspaper reports about a dragon being found in the basement of our school. We learnt how to sort facts and opinions to include in our report and we learnt how to use direct quotes. In maths, we revisited money so we’ve been adding amounts and giving change. We visited America in Topic and tasted pancakes with syrup and marshmallows! Finally in RE we discussed how Nelson Mandela experienced diversity.

 12th May 2017

It was assessment week this week and everyone has tried their best, we’re all so proud of you! Well done! In literacy we had fun painting our spooky setting from our suspense story using water colours and block shapes. We visited Mexico in Topic and tasted nachos with salsa- delicious! In Science we continued observing our plant investigation and we compared different plant living conditions. We continued to learn about diversity and stereotypes in RE. Finally in computing we continued to learn how to code on J2Code.

 5th May 2017

This week in literacy we wrote our suspense story and they were brilliant! We kept the reader guessing throughout the story and revealed a spooky ending. In maths, we transferred our column addition and subtraction skills by using them with word problems. We learnt about diversity in RE and played a guess who game! In topic, we visited Italy! We researched Italian facts and tasted pizza! Finally, in Science we set up an experiment to test plants under various conditions.

 28th April 2017

This week in literacy we’ve continued to learn how to write with suspense and tension. Each day we focused on a new feature of suspense writing, such as short sentences or using spooky sounds. In maths, we’ve learnt how to use column subtraction. We visited England this week and tasted scones with jam and cream. We learnt about the Royal Family, famous landmarks and traditional food. We combined RE with this and researched our British Values. In Science we wrote a hypothesis predicting what could happen to plants in different conditions. Finally, in computing we explored ‘dos and don’ts’ when using the internet.

 21st April 2017

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Easter break. It’s been non-stop since we returned this week. We began the week by starting our new book called ‘The Thing in the Basement’. We are learning how to write a suspense story by using new writing features to build tension. We recapped column addition and began column subtraction in maths. It is Autism awareness week so we took part in an activity with children from the provision. In computing we continued learning how to code and we started our new topic called ‘What’s on the Menu?’ We visited France and ate baguettes!

 31st March 2017

It’s been such a busy last week at school! On Monday we performed our Matilda dance to the school which was fantastic! We had an Easter assembly and the Reverend explained the Easter story through drama. The school performed in the Spring Concert on Thursday which was brilliant, we’re so proud of the whole class. This week we have finished our pet leaflets and have completed maths treasure hunts around school. Finally, we took part in an Easter egg hunt and bonnet parade on Friday.

 24th March 2017

We started to make leaflets this week in literacy about how to look after a pet. We chose a pet and researched their diet, habitat and health on the internet to help us. In maths, we begun learning column addition. We learnt the Easter Story in RE and sorted story cards. In topic, we discussed what essential items are needed if there was an earthquake.

We also celebrated being awarded the most dojos as a class!

 17th March 2017

It’s been assessment week and all the children have worked incredibly hard so well done to all of them! On Tuesday we visited Waterstones, we listened to Mudpuddle farm and explored the store. We had a fantastic trip! We continued our Earthquake structures in topic, celebrated St Patrick’s day in RE and learnt about how to be healthy in PSHE. Finally, we all wrote a poem in Literacy called “A Recipe for a…”. We chose a mythical creature and described how to make them.

 10th March 2017

We’ve continued to learn how to use inverted commas this week by writing conversations between two animals in different settings and situations. In maths, we’ve learnt about pictograms and tally charts. In science we explored the classroom looking for magnetic objects and tested our predictions. Additionally in topic we learnt about earthquakes and created structures out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Then we tested our structure on jelly so it was just like an earthquake! Finally, we spent lots of the week rehearsing for our class assembly which was incredible! Well done to every single one of you!

3rd March 2017

It was World Book Week so we’ve had so much fun exploring new activities and learning about Alice in Wonderland. On Monday, we explored characters from the story and helped the Mad Hatter solve fractions and money calculations for his tea party. On Tuesday, we wrote a book review and researched Lewis Carroll. On Wednesday, we created a new character for Alice to meet and wrote a conversation between them. On Thursday, we wrote a poem for an invite to our tea party and made Alice in Wonderland games. Finally, on Friday we all dressed up and had a fun day solving crime activities based on Goldilocks and the three bears.

24th February 2017

We’ve had such a busy first week back to school! In literacy, we’ve been learning our new talk for writing story – The Sheep Dog! We’ve learnt new actions and learnt how to use speech correctly in our writing. In maths, we’ve been learning how to subtract 1s, 10s and 100s. We’ve made our matchbox art this week which was based on volcanos. We celebrated Shrove Tuesday early and had pancakes, we also completed a survey about our favourite toppings!

10th February 2017

We have filled every minute of the last week with activities! In literacy, we learnt how to write a persuasive advert to sell the wardrobe from Narnia. We’ve continued to learn about money in maths by adding two amounts, then subtracting the total amount. In computing, we continued our blogs and in science we compared different rock properties. Finally, in topic we researched dormant, extinct and active volcanoes.

3rd February 2017

We visited Metro Bank on Wednesday and had an amazing time! We loved meeting Metro Man and entering the secret vault. Throughout the week we’ve focused on poetry and we have written ‘Open the Door’ poems which describe what could be behind each door. In maths, we’ve been learning how to add money and give change. We’ve explored the positives and negatives of volcanoes and blogged about our trip on Purple Mash

27th January 2017

It’s been assessment week and all the children worked incredibly hard. In our spare time, we’ve been celebrating multi-cultural week by moving around the school to complete different activities. In our own class we visited Europe and we focused on England, Holland, France and Italy. We made Beefeaters for England, an Eifel Tower for France, we filled the map of Italy with pasta and made 3D tulips for Holland.

20th January 2017

We’ve really enjoyed creating evil characters in literacy this week. We’ve researched villains from a variety of stories to create our own villains. In maths, we’ve been learning how to order 3 and 4 digit numbers. We made Rumulas in RE which is a silk cloth which has patterns and a belief written on it. In Science, we researched different types of rock. We continued to code in computing and in PSHE we decided our class goal is for everyone to achieve 100% on an Accelerated Reader test at least once in a week for a special reward!

13th January 2017

We’ve had a really busy full week back to school! In literacy, we’ve been describing different portals which take us into magical kingdoms and underwater caves. In maths, we’ve continued learning how to tell the time. We have been learning about prepositions in phonics, we’ve learnt who founded Sikhism and where it was discovered. In topic, we have begun to research how volcanoes are formed and why they are in certain areas of the world. Finally, in computing we’ve continued to code on Purple Mash.

6th January 2017

It has been a short week this week so we’ve been recapping our learning from last term and have begun learning some new topics. In Literacy, we’ve started to read Narnia and we love the story already. We have learnt our talk for writing actions and will eventually write a portal story that is similar to Narnia. In Maths, we have begun learning how to tell the time. We have explored the Earth’s layers in topic to discover how volcanoes are formed. Finally, in Science we’ve researched man-made and natural rocks.

Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
